This is a class blog for Dr. Kristen Alley Swain's journalism students who produce video stories about sustainability issues in the Oxford-Ole Miss community.
Overall the video is pretty good. The B-roll footage could be of a better quality,it seems like it was recorded on a cell phone or something, but the content is relevant.I would include more footage of streets that are extremely hard to walk on, for an example University ave. The strong points of the video are definitely the interview sources. I would try to break up some of the interview though, especially the last guy talking because you kind of get lost in his thought.
Overall the video is pretty good. The B-roll footage could be of a better quality,it seems like it was recorded on a cell phone or something, but the content is relevant.I would include more footage of streets that are extremely hard to walk on, for an example University ave. The strong points of the video are definitely the interview sources. I would try to break up some of the interview though, especially the last guy talking because you kind of get lost in his thought.